
ScavengerBot#3—Chapter13:“ReachfortheSky”:Offthebeatenpath,lastcavebeforethelift.Keepleftatexit.Bugs.Ifyousaveand ...,2013年2月14日—1.Equipit(upond-pad),aim,fire.2.Youcollectitataworkbench10minutesafterdeployingit.Itwillalwaysfindsomething,butyoucan ...,2013年2月18日—Dependsonhowcloseyouaretoabenchandhowlongyouarewillingtowait.Idon'tthinkitisabadideatosendthemouttoseewhatthey ...,2014年7月16日...

Scavenger Bot | Dead Space Wiki

Scavenger Bot #3 — Chapter 13: “Reach for the Sky”: Off the beaten path, last cave before the lift. Keep left at exit. Bugs. If you save and ...

scavenger bot - Dead Space 3 - GameFAQs

2013年2月14日 — 1. Equip it (up on d-pad), aim, fire. 2. You collect it at a workbench 10 minutes after deploying it. It will always find something, but you can ...

When should I use the Scavenger Bot?

2013年2月18日 — Depends on how close you are to a bench and how long you are willing to wait. I don't think it is a bad idea to send them out to see what they ...

How to properly use scavenger bots in Dead Space 3

2014年7月16日 — Click to drop the bot here, and it'll get you some good resources. If you press the K key you can bring up a status screen which shows the ETA ...

Scavenger Bot

They return for each search with a varying amount of resources and they are the only way to aquire Ration Seals, which can be exchanged for 3 different resource ...

Scavenger bots tips - Dead Space 3 Guide

JUust a useful tip about scavenger bot that is easy to verify : When you equip the scavenger bot it displays a radar reminiscent of that of "Aliens". If you follow the arrows on the map it usualy leads you to a zone where there loads of ressourc

How do I use the scavenger boy correctly in Dead Space 3?

2014年9月28日 — When you hear that pull out your bot and use it to hone in on the hotspot. You can also just pull out the bot every so often and check until you ...